Shisen Yue

Undergraduate Student, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

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About me

Hi, I am Shisen Yue and I'm studying for a B.A. in Linguistics in the Department of Foreign Language at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) on track to graduate in 2024. I'm interested in Computational Psycholinguistics and Natural Language Processing. During my undergraduate study, I'm advised by Professor Hai Hu in SJTU on the research of large language models.

Started from Spring 2023, I was lucky to become a research assistant advised by Professor William Schuler, evaluating sentence processing theories with large language models and a computational cognitive model.

In my graduate study, I want to dive deeper into the intersection of linguistics, cognitive science, and computer science, exploring whether the theoretical frameworks proposed by linguistic theories truly manifest in language processing and how this cognitive process can be formalized at the algorithmic level. I want to employ machine learning, experimental methods and cognitive modeling to approach these problems. I'm excited about investigating state-of-the-art LLMs and developing psychologically plausible models to better understand human language processing.


Educational Background
School Symbol

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2020.09 - 2024.06 (expected)

B.A. in Linguistics (GPA: 88.4/100), with a concentration on computational linguistics. See more details in the selected grades.

Selected Grades


Introduction to Syntax: 97/100

Phonetics and Phonology: 90/100

Introduction to Semantics: 91/100

Language and Cognition: 93/100

Language Data and Python Techniques: 92/100

Introduction to English Linguistics: 92/100

Research Methods in Linguistics: 90/100

Language Acquisition: A

Computer Science

Design and Analysis of Algorithms: 97/100

Thinking and Approach of Programming: 92/100

Reinforcement Learning: 95/100

Data Structure: A

Machine Learning: A

C++ Programming (UCB Extension): A

Machine Learning (UCLA Extension): A+


Probability and Statistics: 97/100

Calculus: 96/100


School Symbol

Research Assistant, Ohio State University

2023.04 - Present

Advised by Professor William Schuler, I participated in two research projects about surprisal. Check out our findings!

Project #1 [Paper]

With the psycholinguistic toolkit modelblocks, I processed and conducted regression analysis with naturalistic data from corpora PROVO and GECO. The analysis was then used to prove that as language models increase in size and the amount of training data, they perform worse in predicting surprisal as their superhuman accuracy prediction of rare words. The work has now been published at EACL!

Project #2

I refactored a left corner parser with distributed associative memory used in Rasmussen and Schuler (2018). The model formalizes memory as vectors, reflects the parallel propagation of multiple analyses during parsing and proves the validity of the surprisal account of human sentence processing. The paper has been submitted to Cognitive Science.

Self-directed Projects

Evaluating Pragmatic Reasoning of LLMs With Chinese Implicatures 2024.1

I manually built and annotated a dataset which includes multiple choice questions about the conversational implicatures of character lines in a Chinese sitcom and I used this dataset to evaluate pragmatic understanding of LLMs.

Python Gricean maxims Implicatures

Comparative Analysis of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms 2023.6

I implemented two value-based and two policy-based reinforcement learning algorithms and tested them with Atari games and Mujoco environments respectively.

Python Pytorch DQN DDPG

Paper Code
AIGC detector 2023.4

I trained SVM classifiers with a series of linguistic features extracted from text to identify exam essays genereated by LLMs.

Python Linux Shell

Examining Event Boundaries Perception in Young Chinese 2023.2

I designed questionnaires and an event segmentation task to investigate the correlation between the awareness of aspect markers 了 and 着 (pronounced as le and zhe) and people's perception of event boundaries.

SPSS Chinese aspect markers Boundedness


See all 6 projects

Term Papers

The Educational Effects in Language Learning of Chatbots

07 Jan 2024

Practicing conversational skills with chatbots has become an innovative method in language learning. The AI-powered communication partners have demonstrated multiple advantages compared to human partners, such as being less time-consuming and less anxiety-induced. Moreover, students’ interest in the innovative learning...

Chatbots Language Acquisition

Review in Left Corner Parsing in Sentence Processing

07 Jan 2024

How written words are encoded and decoded by the human brain? To pursue an answer to this question, we review on research in sentence processing and left corner parsing theories. We particularize the models and results in five studies that...

Sentence Processing Left Corner Parsing

Examination of the Critical Period Hypothesis in SLA

15 Jan 2023

The ultimate attainment of the L2 possesses broad significance in both language pedagogy, human cognition and neuroscience and draws fierce debate in the academic circle. The Critical Period Hypothesis(CPH) argues that such a key period for learning L1 is also...

Critical Period Hypothesis Language Acquisition

See all 6 essays