Self-directed Projects

Evaluating Pragmatic Reasoning of LLMs With Chinese Implicatures 2024.1

I manually built and annotated a dataset which includes multiple choice questions about the conversational implicatures of character lines in a Chinese sitcom and I used this dataset to evaluate pragmatic understanding of LLMs.

Python Gricean maxims Implicatures

Comparative Analysis of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms 2023.6

I implemented two value-based and two policy-based reinforcement learning algorithms and tested them with Atari games and Mujoco environments respectively.

Python Pytorch DQN DDPG

Paper Code
AIGC detector 2023.4

I trained SVM classifiers with a series of linguistic features extracted from text to identify exam essays genereated by LLMs.

Python Linux Shell

Examining Event Boundaries Perception in Young Chinese 2023.2

I designed questionnaires and an event segmentation task to investigate the correlation between the awareness of aspect markers 了 and 着 (pronounced as le and zhe) and people's perception of event boundaries.

SPSS Chinese aspect markers Boundedness

Tagging movies on Netflix 2022.8

I used the Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model to generalize tags for movies from their descriptions on Netflix.

Python Keyword extraction LDA model

Paper Code
Evaluating Chatbots from Linguistic Perspectives 2021

I collected the discourse of AI chatbot and performed linguistic analysis. This was my first attempt in conducting a research and writing an academic paper. Although it wasn't fruitful from my current perspective, it indeed improved my abilities in reviewing previous literature, designing experiments and collaborating on a paper.
